Terms of Enrolment
Pupils enrolled for the part-time courses are required to obey the rules and conditions of the Academy.
Any pupils unable to attend class should notify the office on 01892 529112.
The Directors cannot undertake responsibility for money or articles of value lost on the premises.
The Directors reserve the right to amend or alter the rules and conditions of the Academy at any time.
The Directors reserve the right to amend or alter fees and classes as and when necessary.
The Directors reserve the right to ask for a Pupil to be removed from the Academy for any of the following reasons:- a) Should a Pupil not respond to training, b) For misbehaviour or wilful damage, c) For poor attendance, d) For any breach of Academy rules, conditions, regulations etc.
Should it be necessary to close the Academy or cancel classes on account of epidemic or national crisis, or any circumstances over which the Directors have no control, fees cannot be returned or compensation made.
Parents and associates are only permitted to watch classes during the final week of term and then at the Academy’s discretion.